Protect a Standalone Volume

Some volumes may not need to be part of a volume collection. You can associate standalone volumes with volume collections to define their snapshot and replication schedules. The volume collection associated with a standalone volume cannot contain any other volumes.

There is no difference between a volume collection of a standalone volume and any other volume collection from the standpoint of the CLI.

NOTE: You can remove a stand-alone volume collection or remove protection from a volume in a stand-alone volume collection by editing the volume and marking it as “Unprotected.” Then the volume can be added to a volume collection that contains volumes that are not stand-alone.
  1. Create a volume collection.
    volcoll --create name
  2. Associate the standalone volume with the volume collection.
    vol --assoc name [--volcoll name]
Creating a volume collection:
$ volcoll --create Collection1

Associating a standalone volume with the volume collection:

$ vol --assoc VolumeA --volcoll Collection1