Move a Volume from One Folder to Another

Moving a volume also moves its snapshots and clones from one folder to another.

Depending on the size of the volume and the amount of data, it could take some time to complete a move. During this time, writes are allowed. Some forwarding of I/O requests from arrays in the source folder to arrays in the destination folder can occur during the move. This can result in temporarily reduced I/O throughput.

The destination folder must have sufficient space to accommodate current use and reserve space for all volumes being moved.

At any point during a move, an administrator can stop the move. When a volume move is stopped, all data that has already moved onto the destination folder moves back to the source folder. This may take some time, depending on the size of the folders and how much data has been moved.

Move a volume to a pool and assign all volumes to a folder in the destination pool.
vol --movevollist [--dest_folder folder_name] [--pool pool_list]

The --pool pool_list option is required if the names of one or more volumes in the volume list is not unique within the pool.

See vol in the Command Reference for more information about volume moves.