Create a Folder

Use the folder --create command to create a folder, specify a provisioned limit, and folder agent_type. Folder names can be up to 64 characters, and up to 64 folders can be created per group. Folders cannot be created at the vSphere cluster level.

If the agent type is VVol, a VASA Provider must be registered before folder creation, and an appserver must be specified using the folder --create command. You cannot specify an appserver for other agent types.

If the agent type is SMI-S, a performance policy must be specified in the folder --create command. You cannot specify a performance policy for other agent types.

Create a folder.
folder --create folder_name [--pool pool_name] [--description text] [--usage_limit mebibytes] [--overdraft_limit_pct percent] [--provisioned_limit mebibytes] [--agent_type {none|smis|vvol|openstack}] [--appserver vcenter_name] [--perfpolicy perfpolicy] [--iops_limit iops] [--mbps_limit mbps]

Creating the folder finance in the default pool, with an application server of vcenter1, agent type of vvol, and a provisioned limit of 10000 mebibytes.

$ folder --create finance --pool default --appserver vcenter1 --agent_type vvol --provisioned_limit 10000