Create a Performance Policy

IMPORTANT: When you replicate a volume using a performance policy, use an identical policy for the volume on the replication partner.
Create a performance policy.
perfpolicy --create name [--description text] [--blocksize bytes] [--compress {yes | no}] [--cache {yes | no}] [--cache_policy {normal | aggressive}] [--space_policy {offline | non_writable}] [--app_category category]

By default, a performance policy has no description, a block size of 4096 bytes, compression and cache are enabled, cache policy is normal, and space policy is offline. If you want to set other values, change those options when you create the performance policy.

The --app_category (application category) option is case sensitive. For more information about the perfpolicy command, see the Command Reference.

Creating a performance policy named Hunter with a block size of 8192 bytes, an aggressive cache policy, and an application category of Exchange:
$ perfpolicy --create Hunter --blocksize 8192 --cache_policy aggressive --app_category Exchange