Change iSCSI Volume Scope from VST to GST

Before changing the iSCSI target scope from Volume Scope Target (VST) to Group Scope Target (GST):
  • You must quiesce any applications on the host that access the volume.
  • You should also disconnect the volume from Windows hosts. This ensures that all I/O to the volume has been stopped, thus ensuring data consistency. This will also affect ESXi and Linux hosts that are connected to volumes that will have their target settings change from volume to group scope targeting.
  1. Remove ACL records from the volume.
    vol --removeacl [vol_name]

    Repeat for each ACL associated with the volume.

  2. Change the volume scope from VST to GST.
    vol --edit [vol_name] --iscsi_target_scope group
  3. Add ACLs to the volume.
    vol --addacl [vol_name]

    Repeat for each ACL that needs to be associated with the volume.

    If the host is connected to the iSCSI GST, the volume is automatically displayed and has the same serial number as before.
    NOTE: If the host is not connected to the iSCSI GST, reconnect the host to the GST. The host will then discover the volume. See the Windows Integration Guide for more information.