List Alarms

You can use the alarm command with the --list option to list all of the alarms on the array. You can also use the alarm --list command to find out the ID of a particular alarm and use that ID to acknowledge, modify or delete an alarm.

From a command prompt, request a list of alarms on the array.

alarm --list

The command returns a list of all alarms on the array, their ID, severity, time, status, and details.
$ alarm --list
    ID           Severity       Time                              Status                  Array                 Detail
       38        CRITICAL  Oct 10 2016 16:49:30     Open                   AF-110068       Volume test string from alert gen space usage is at 15% 
and approaching quota of 20%. It will be taken offline if it exceeds the quota                                                                                 
       39     WARNING   Oct 13 2016 17:32:01     Acknowledged   AF-110068        IP interface down on controller B NIC port eth1                                     
       40     WARNING   Oct 19 2016 15:42:32     Acknowledged   AF-110068        IP interface down on controller A NIC port eth6                                    
       41     WARNING   Nov  3 2016 16:33:45     Open                   AF-110068        IP interface down on controller B NIC port eth1.11                                      
      42      WARNING   Nov  3 2016 16:35:41     Open                   AF-110068        IP interface down on controller B NIC port eth1.11