Create a Replication Partner

NOTE: This procedure does not apply to synchronous replication. The replication partners for synchronous replication are pool partners and are created automatically.

Use the management subnet for replication when any of the following conditions apply:

  • Your data IPs are not routable across the network
  • You want to separate replication traffic from iSCSI traffic
  • Your replication arrays are running array OS 1.4 or array OS 2.0 and above

For array OS 2.x and later, replication over a data subnet is available; however, it requires the replication control traffic to be transferred over a management subnet. If you choose to replicate over a data subnet, you must be able to do the following:

  • Route the management subnet between replication partners by the default gateway for replication control traffic
  • Route the data subnet between replication partners by a static route for replication data transfer traffic

Replication partners can run different data access protocols. For example, a Fibre Channel (FC) replication partner can be created for an iSCSI array, and an iSCSI replication partner can be created for a Fibre Channel array. For replication to function on an FC array, you must also configure an Ethernet link or IP subnet.

For Fibre Channel arrays, you do not need to separate the replication traffic; replication traffic never runs over Fibre Channel.

  1. Determine the IP address or hostname of the array to be used as a replication partner.
  2. Add a replication partner.
    partner --create partner_name --hostname [ipaddr|hostname]--description text --secret shared_secret
    A description is optional. The shared secret must be eight or more printable alphanumeric characters with no spaces or special characters. Special characters include: ' " ` ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( )+ [ ] {} * ; : ' " . , | < > ? / \ = % .
  3. (Optional) Select the replication network.
    partner --edit partner_name--subnet local_subnet_label
    Use the --subnet option only when there are multiple data subnets. When you use the local_subnet_label variable, include the full subnet address and mask, separated by a slash. For example,
  4. (Optional) Create a QoS (replication traffic bandwidth limit) policy.
    A Quality of Service (QoS) policy defines how the network resources are allocated for the replication partner.
    NOTE: Without a QoS policy, the replication partner can use unlimited network bandwidth.
    partner --create_throttlepartner_name --description text --days days --at start_time --until end_time --bandwidth limit

Log in to the replication partner and perform the same configuration steps on the downstream array and group.