Perform a Handover

You must have a remote schedule configured for the volume collection that you want to hand over.

With Synchronous replication, you can hand over an in-sync volume collection as part of your disaster recovery strategy. For out-of-sync volume collections, you must unconfigure synchronous replication to gain access to the downstream volumes.

  1. Perform a handover.
    volcoll --handover name of volume collection --partner group name
    volcoll --handover VolumeCollection5 --partner group26
    NOTE: If you do not want to reverse the direction of replication, add the --no_reverse option.
    The message is displayed: Handover is in progress.

    The new owner is the replication partner group.

  2. Verify the handover.
    volcoll --info name of volume collection
    volcoll --info VolumeCollection5
  3. Under Schedule, verify that the group names listed as Owned by: and Replicate to: have reversed.
    • The volumes associated with the volume collection on the upstream array will be in a standby state
    • The volumes associated with the volume collection on the downstream array will be in an active state and will begin to serve I/O
    • The volume collection ownership is transferred to the downstream partner
    • The direction of replication is reversed
    • With synchronous replication, the snapshot retention limits remain with each pool during a handover

If the replication partners use different access protocols, additional steps are needed to bring the replica online. For example, configuring multi-initiator access is applicable for iSCSI arrays, but is inapplicable for Fibre Channel arrays. By default, Fibre Channel allows multi-initiator access, and you cannot disable it. Access control is done through LUN mapping.