Edit an IP Address

You can edit one or more existing IP addresses using the Draft network configuration profile. The Draft profile is used to validate and activate the configuration changes.
  1. Create a Draft network configuration profile from the Active profile.
    netconfig --create_draft_from active
  2. Edit an existing IP address.
    ip --edit ip-addr --netconfig draft [--array name]--type {data | discovery | management | secondary | support} [--nic name] [--newaddr ip-addr] [--ctrlr {A | B}]
  3. (Optional) Repeat Step 2 to edit additional IP addresses.
  4. Validate the Draft network configuration profile.
    netconfig --validate draft
    The array OS validates the configuration. If an error exists, the array OS returns an error message. Resolve all errors before proceeding to the next step.
  5. Activate the Draft network configuration profile.
    netconfig --activate draft --force_ip_update
    NOTE: The --force_ip_update option is required to activate configurations containing discover IP addresses or data IP adresses. Without this option, any attempt to update discovery IP addresses or data IP adresses in the Active network configuration profile will fail.

Editing a management IP addresses using the Draft network configuration profile:

$ netconfig --create_draft_from active
$ ip --edit --netconfig draft --type management --newaddr
$ netconfig --validate
INFO: Configuration is valid.$ netconfig --activate --force_ip_update