Remove an Initiator from an iSCSI Initiator Group

  1. Remove an initiator from the iSCSI initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --remove_initiator initiatorgrp_name [--label label]
  2. (Optional) Verify that the initiator has been removed from the iSCSI initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --info initiatorgrp_name
$ initiatorgrp --remove_initiator GST-Test --label Basic
$ initiatorgrp --info GST-Test
Name: GST-Test
Host Type: auto
Access Protocol: iscsi
Application identifier:
Created: Sep  4 2018 14:01:50
Last configuration change: Oct  1 2020 13:46:08
Number of Subnets: All
Number of Initiators: 0
Number of Volumes: 2
        Volume Name: Vol2ForTesting
        Volume Name: bks-volume