Clone a Volume from a Snapshot

Clones of snapshots are useful for restoring individual files instead of a complete volume.

Cloning a volume (via a snapshot) creates a new volume with a new name, but keeps all other settings of the original, including the data at the time the snapshot was taken.

When you clone a volume, settings such as reported size, reserve size, and security are cloned. Clones are set online by default, and are writable. The clone consumes space from the same space as the original volume.

NOTE: When a volume configured for synchronous replication is cloned, the cloned volume will not automatically be configured for synchronous replication.
Clone a volume.
vol --clone vol_name --snapname snap_name --clonename clone_name
Creating the clone Clonetest1 from volume Test1 and snapshot Snap30.
$ vol --clone Test1 --snapname Snap30 --clonename Clonetest1
Volume collections are not automatically assigned to the clone. Edit the clone to assign it to the desired volume collection to ensure that snapshots and replicas will be made according to the desired schedule.